by Eric Seelig | Feb 6, 2023 | Case Study
This is an example of a project we re-engineered to minimize the amount of steel and drillings in the wood. The connections work fine on paper. The concern was there would be excessive splitting and checking of the timbers due to the steel and bolts. We devised a...
by Eric Seelig | May 3, 2017 | Design and Computer Modeling, Recent Posts
For those of you who follow my blog, you know that I am an advocate for 3d solid modeling. Not just 3d modeling but parametric modeling. Parametric modeling allows us to make changes to the model without having to start from scratch. Click here to see a short video...
by threeelements | Jan 3, 2017 | Design and Computer Modeling, Digital Fabrication, Recent Posts
A few weeks ago I told a colleague: “at Three Elements Timberworks we are experts in digital modeling and fabrication.” He replied “what does that mean?” I thought I would try to explain it in a post and show one example of work we have done...
by threeelements | Dec 19, 2016 | Design and Computer Modeling, Recent Posts
We spend a lot of time building computer models. I would be lying if every once in a while I don’t question whether or not we are wasting time with all of the modeling and details. Then a situation comes up where I realize how powerful our modeling is. One...
by Eric Seelig | May 12, 2011 | General
Click on the image to go to the case study.