by Eric Seelig | Feb 6, 2023 | Case Study
This is an example of a project we re-engineered to minimize the amount of steel and drillings in the wood. The connections work fine on paper. The concern was there would be excessive splitting and checking of the timbers due to the steel and bolts. We devised a...
by Eric Seelig | Jul 25, 2016 | General, Recent Posts
Three Elements Timberworks was started in 1999 as a timber frame company, and although our bread and butter is still timber frames and timber trusses, we have found over the years that our real product is providing solutions. For example, when I first started the...
by Eric Seelig | Jan 26, 2012 | Materials and Services
We are working on a new project with Rudd Construction. It is a large heavy timber storage / barn structure. What makes this interesting is we have a clear span of 50′ with some shed dormers on top. This creates a fairly large tension load on the bottom chord...